Here are some things I have found helpful recently online.
Jane Tooher
P.S. Thank you to those who were able to join us for this year’s annual conference and our first-ever research conference for women! Some of the proceedings from both conferences will be published on our website at a future date.
In the meantime I would love to draw your attention to our next evening seminar with Ed Loane, which is happening in August:
Supporting Christian mums returning to paid work by Ruth Baker 02/02/2023
Ruth Baker offers some suggestions on how churches can support women while they are on maternity leave and when they transition back to paid work.
Hey, working mum, it’s not how much time you have … it’s what you do with it by Ruth Baker 03/02/2022
Ruth Baker encourages and challenges working mothers to keep making Christian decisions in the midst of juggling paid work and motherhood.
Is all masculinity toxic? Book review: “The Manual: Getting Masculinity Right” (Al Stewart) by Mark Powell 01/02/2023
In this review of The Manual, Mark Powell notes that Al Stewart argues that the problem is not masculinity, but our humanity.
Book review: “The Case Against The Sexual Revolution” (Louise Perry) by Al Stewart 30/01/2023
Al Stewart reviews Louise Perry’s powerful 2022 book, which highlights problems with the sexual revolution and the impact of how our society views sex and sexuality today.